Remembering The Hammer House Of Horror Television series

I have always loved the old Hammer Horror Films & especially The Hammer Television series from 1980.
I once did a lot of research into the television series & also did some interviews with certain stars from the show as I had planned write a book based on the filming & locations, unfortunatley I got back into music & it got forgotten.
Here are some photos of how various locations looked back in 2000/01, this I hope shows how Hammer got the best out of their base & locations, by using them time & time again, by just adding a lick of paint to change the scene!, the room used for the Hospital in Two Faces Of Evil & also used as Denholm Elliott's bedroom in Rude Awakening had to have the floor removed due to it becoming un- safe. I hope you enjoy this little slide show I made early last year ..."

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Peter Cox The Silent Scream Children Of the Full Moon Gardian Of The Abyss Charlie Boy The House that Bled to Death The Two Faces Of Evil Witching Time

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